Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The best smartphones for each carrier - Know Your Cell
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A friend thought you would be interested in this station
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copyright 2008, Pandora Media, Inc. All rights reserved. 2101 Webster Street - Suite 1650 - Oakland CA - 94612 This is a one-time email sent from A friend, a Pandora listener. Privacy Policy |
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Will The Republicans be able to lead by example?
From The Hill:
Soon-to-be Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) is being pressed by taxpayer groups to slash the salaries of House lawmakers.
Cutting member pay would show voters the new GOP majority in the House is going to lead by example in their efforts to rein in spending and start with their own wallets, say officials with three prominent taxpayer advocacy groups in Washington, D.C.
Read More:
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Saturday, October 30, 2010
Bawitdaba by Kid Rock.
The northern lights, the southern comfort!
I just used Shazam to discover Bawitdaba by Kid Rock.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Android app, Pocket Informant, has been recommended for you
I've been using Pocket Informant and I think you might like it. Check it out from your Android phone:
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Q3 2010 Quarterly Report Card (US Carriers) | AndroidGuys
Superphones + competitive plans make Sprint a contender.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Navy to Conduct Alternative Fuels Demo With Riverine Command Boat - ASDNews - Be the first to know
"From a strategic perspective, we are reducing reliance on fossil fuels from unstable locations"
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Android app, Legends Arcana, has been recommended for you
I've been using Legends Arcana and I think you might like it. Check it out from your Android phone:
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Android app, ING DIRECT, has been recommended for you
I've been using ING DIRECT and I think you might like it. Check it out from your Android phone:
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A friend thought you would be interested in this station
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copyright 2008, Pandora Media, Inc. All rights reserved. 360 22nd Street - Suite 440 - Oakland CA - 94612 This is a one-time email sent from A friend, a Pandora listener. Privacy Policy |
Monday, May 24, 2010
Samsung Galaxy S, Has The Best Multi-Touch Screen Ever?
Multi-touch is a deciding factor for a lot of people when considering their next mobile phone. Android has not been known to be the best in this area. Most notable, the nexus One, has been perceived as having a subpar multi-touch display. Until know we’ve always heard that you have to choose between having a beautiful display or a very accurate multi-touch display. Samsung has brought them both together in the Galaxy S.
The screen on the Galaxy S is manufactured by a company named Atmel. The technical name for this display is the Atmel maXTouch, and this screen can handle up to 16 points simultaneously. It has a response time of 7 milliseconds which is 2-3 times faster than current multi-touch displays. This screen is expected to drastically limit or even eliminate miss touches, aka having your hand on the edge of the screen unknowingly.
I am more and more impressed with this phone with every new tidbit of information that gets uncovered. This is probably the most unrated device of all time. If the “Hummingbird” GPU lives up to its rumors, which it most likely will since we’ve seen it in action, this will probably be the best handset of any kind on the market. Samsung is really good at making processors so the 1GHZ in this phone could pack in a few surprises as well. I can’t wait to see this device stateside, in the mean time checkout the touch screen demo performed by Frandroid.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Jettison the tight jeans legal furphy | Herald Sun
AUSTRALIA has been put on the international legal map over a court case involving the bizarre question of whether jeans can be a barrier to rape.
Nicholas Gonzales, 23, was recently acquitted of rape after a jury raised questions about how his alleged victim's jeans came to be removed.
The woman testified that she had met Gonzales in a Sydney bar and accompanied him to his flat to listen to some music - but said he overpowered and raped her there.
Gonzales argued the sex was consensual and that the woman, who weighs a mere 42kg, was wearing tight jeans that would be difficult to remove without her collaboration.
After Gonzales was found not guilty he applied for his costs to be paid by the state. In dismissing his application, the judge this week said she found the medical evidence of sexual assault "compelling" and pointed out that Dr Rosemary Isaacs had examined the complainant and found evidence of physical trauma.
Do we therefore surmise that the jury found the "jeans defence" more relevant than medical evidence of trauma to the woman's genital area?
The verdict has outraged women's groups. As Veronica Wensing, chair of the National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence says, rape has nothing to do with what a woman is wearing.
Her view strikes me as blindingly obvious. Are we to assume that women invite rape if they wear a dress - thus making things easier for would-be rapists?
What's more, does anyone really imagine that every time a woman tries on a pair of jeans in a shop that she has to ask for an assistant to "collaborate" with her to take them off?
While the "jeans defence" sounds farcical, it is not without precedent.
We can trace its origin to a rape trial in Italy in 1992 when an 18-year-old student alleged her 45-year-old driving instructor drove her to an isolated spot, threw her to the ground, pulled her jeans from one leg and then savagely raped her. The man was eventually convicted and sentenced to more than two years in jail.
But in 1999, the Supreme Court of Italy overturned his conviction on the grounds that "it is nearly impossible to slip off tight jeans even partly without the active collaboration of the person who is wearing them".
The consequences of this are sickening. Two years ago, an Italian man tried using the jeans defence after being charged with sexually assaulting his 16-year-old stepdaughter.
While he was unsuccessful, it is clear that rapists had got the message they could treat as fair game any girl or woman wearing jeans. Fortunately, Italian law has finally caught on to the fact that jeans are not a form of chastity belt.
What astonishes me is that while female politicians have joined "Jeans Are Not An Alibi" protests across Europe and the United States, Australia's women politicians aren't up in arms about the jeans defence being successfully used here.
Where are the likes of Julia Gillard, Penny Wong, Julie Bishop and Christine Milne? Why aren't they doing what female legislators and political leaders in other countries have done and paraded themselves in their jeans on the steps of Parliament?
How about it, girls - a Jeans For Justice Day?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man 2 Oldschool Workout: Kettlebells, Indian Clubs, Sledgehammers, A 700lb Wheel Barrow and a Fire Hose - Lose Stubborn Fat!
For the first Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. and his trainer Brad Bose did pretty straight up heavy barbell work for five months prior to shooting.
At 5'8" and 170lbs, Robert Downey Jr. needed to look strong, though not huge like other Marvel characters. After all, he does have that killer Iron Man suit to do the fighting for him.
Between Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2, Robert Downey Jr. leaned up hard
to play Sherlock HolmesThe problem was that for Sherlock Holmes he'd had to cut down to 151lbs. On top of that, he was bored to death with his current training program.
Robert said, "If I have to get underneath a bench press or a squat, I'm going to shoot myself. I just don't have the motivation."
So his trainer Brad Bose put together a mixed bag of hard core oldschool training tools to get that 20 pounds of muscle back:
- Kettlebells
- Indian Clubs
- Meels (like bigger, heavier Indian clubs)
- A Wheelbarrow
- Two Fire Hoses, one filled with water, one filled with sand
- SUV Tires
- Sledgehammer
With these oldschool training tools, one an a half out workouts three days per week, and drastically increasing Robery Downey Jr.'s protein and caloric intake, they managed to bulk him up to 175lbs in 4 weeks, during shooting!
They'd fill the wheelbarrow up with 600 or 700lbs of weight plates, then push it around an obstacle course.
Robert Downey Jr. would swing the Indian Clubs and Meels. This is the first of his old school training implements. And I mean OLD SCHOOL.
They got a tractor tire, and he'd hit it with sledgehammers, everything from a 4lb sledge in each hand, up to a 20 lb sledgehammer.
Looks simple, but sledgehammer training is deceptively intense full body workout.
The fire hoses they'd whip around the same way some boot camps use battling ropes:
Robert Downey Jr's fire hoses were filled with water or sand, making them even heavier and harder to manage.
While whipping that fire hose around looks fairly simple and straightforward, most people would be shocked at how much energy it takes to make that happen. You'll find your heart rate goes through the roof after only 10 or 15 seconds.
While I've never thrown any SUV tires like Robert Downey Jr. did, I've thrown plenty of other heavy things. My favorite thing to throw would be a kettlebell:
Throwing things is an AWESOME workout. And for someone who is an advanced kettlebell lifter, with a strong, powerful hip snap, and really effectively drives from the glutes, these kettlebell throws are amazing.
That being said, if you have ANY issues with your form, you can really jack yourself up doing this. I'd strongly recommend getting some training from an RKC Certified Trainer before doing kettlebell throwing workouts.
Pulling a weighted sled is an awesome pulling workout! If you're getting bored with your pullup routine and need a change, pulling a weighted sled from a heavy rope is the awesomeness:
By now you know I'm a huge fan of kettlebell training. What's so powerful about kettlebell workouts is that they are so totally full body.
You could add any of these tools to your current training program, and watch your conditioning go through the roof.
If you work out at home, it's usually not to big a deal to bring home some sledgehammers and a tire to hit. At the 24 Hour Fitness, it might be a little harder.
An easy way to bring this into your current program would be to have 2 gym workout days per week, and 2 home or park workouts per week.
The reason that old school, full body training works is because it is SO MUCH WORK. There isn't any magic to it. It's just a brutal, full body ass kicking.
And at the same time that he's building his body with old school strength training, Robert Downey Jr. is keeping his mind balanced and focused with martial arts.
If we all need a way to keep our head on straight, Wing Chun is how Robert Downey Jr keeps it together. And his career has exploded in these last few years he's done Wing Chun.
It's a physical discipline that he uses to keep is emotional and spiritual life in check.
by Josh Hillis, RKC2, CPT, PES, MRS, MIS
A quick note to everyone who purchased Xtreme Fat Loss - it became a #1 best seller! 20,000 people got the program in the last 3 days!
Make sure, if you got it from me, to forward your clickbank purchase receipt to my email address to get your bonuses!
Good stuff. Throwing kettlebells looks fun!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Review: Motorola Backflip (AT&T) – Our First-Ever Do Not Buy Rating
We have taken the bold step today of saying that you shouldn’t buy a phone. Read more to find out why the Motorola Backflip, and AT&T’s policy on Android phones, has driven us to this important decision.
We’ve been reviewing our review policies, and today are introducing four new ratings that will replace our five point scale. And, they are: Top Pick, Good Buy, Mediocre, to Do Not Buy. We feel this new rating system will help give you a quick, simple choice in what devices and gadget to purchase down the road. But, that does mean sometimes also rubbing the industry the wrong way, and it’s probably best to do that right now.
A full review of the Motorola Backflip isn’t necessary for us to tell you to not buy it. Why? Because we feel so strongly that Android phones that cannot allow unsigned software are damaging to the industry. They stifle innovation and make sure your phone won’t be able to run The Next Big Thing… unless gatekeepers in the industry permit it to do so.
Google and the OHA designed Android to not have gatekeepers. But, as it is Open Source Software, device makers can overrule Google. In this case, the carrier, AT&T, has chosen to do just that. They have demanded that Motorola remove the Backflip’s ability to run unsigned applications from the device.
Unsigned software, for those that aren’t fully aware, is software that is released independently from any type of App Store. It allows people to offer applications that take advantage of the open pipe that the internet offers, and use it for any purpose. Carriers don’t like that, because they want to control applications that demand many resources. They also have a competitive standpoint to regain in the “home portal” arena, as many carriers are attempting to (re-re-re)launch their own App Stores.
Because of all this, you should stay as far away from the Motorola Backflip as possible. We do note that this limitation does not apply to similarly-designed Motorola phones, such as the CLIQ line of devices or Backflip models on other carriers.
Worse, AT&T does not make any notation of these limitations… something that Bluetooth phone manufacturers have been required to do via class action lawsuits related to false advertising. We hope that AT&T someday realizes that it must explain to customers these limitations, before they purchase the phone. Simply put, an Android phone that isn’t able to run unsigned code, shouldn’t be advertised as an Android phone.
For those looking to use an Android phone on AT&T, we suggest the AT&T-compatible version of the Nexus One from Google. Because it is released outside the control of AT&T, it does not suffer from these anti-Android limitations. In addition, Palm appears to have successfully avoided such restraints from the upcoming Palm Pre and Palm Pixi family of phones that will soon be launching on AT&T.
We expect to review each and every Android phone on AT&T similarly, until AT&T choses to change this policy.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Perfect Iron Man 3 Storyline: Casting Iron Man vs Doctor Doom
Having read the TPB it certainly would be a crazy ride. Morgan, Sentinel and Thor, oh my!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Entelligence: Mobile multitasking is mostly a myth - Engadget
Interesting read. What can be done to overcome this?
Friday, March 26, 2010
Cisco helps advance the greatest thing since the Internet
Check out :"Cisco sinks funding into WiMAX-supporting Grid Net, looks to ride the 'smart energy' wave
This article came from the Engadget Android App, which features everything from the latest smartphone news, to reviews and hands-on looks at laptops, HDTVs, gaming, and more.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
T-Mobile USA Says They Ditched Yahoo For Google Because Consumers Demanded It | mocoNews
T-Mobile USA executives explained that it abruptly ended its year-old exclusive search deal with Yahoo, and replaced it with Google (NSDQ: GOOG), because it is what their subscribers wanted. “It was customer led; the Google brand is associated with Internet and search,” Ian McKerlich, T-Mobile’s director of mobile web and content, told mocoNews today.
We were the first to report last week that T-Mobile dropped one search provider for the other, leading to to significant shift in control of the U.S. mobile search market away. Google now has deals with T-Mobile and Sprint; (NYSE: S) Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) works with AT&T (NYSE: T) and Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) has partnered with Verizon Wireless. Clearly, the space continues to be fragmented, but T-Mobile’s sudden change of heart raises an important question: Will carriers continue to be able to lock-in lucrative contracts with search providers with the promise of directing traffic their way when consumers are demanding to use other services?
McKerlich said for other reasons, the switch made sense. T-Mobile was the first carrier to work closely with Google on rolling out its Android-based devices, so having a “single partner across our own portfolio,” allowed it to cut down on the number of messages T-Mobile had to deliver.
T-Mobile said it started updating its web2go Web portal with Google search back in February. As part of the switch, it made other updates to the service, including making it more touch-friendly and easy to personalize. But it also changed the way it lumped together both mobile content results with web results into a single page. If a subscriber searched for “Beyonce,” both ringtones and general web results would be returned. McKerlich: “We believed in federated search being well suited for mobile devices, but federated results were confusing to the consumer. Now we have more of a pure play search.” Seattle-based Medio Systems continues to index and return content results in the Google deal, just as it did for T-Mobile with Yahoo, but they will only show up when someone searches the download store.
The web2go portal is now available on 94 percent of all T-Mobile phones, including the Motorola (NYSE: MOT) Cliq, BlackBerry devices, a majority of feature phones, and even the upcoming HTC HD2. T-Mobile said the changes, including the switch to Google, has led to a 300 percent increase in traffic per customer, and in the case of the Cliq, 25 percent of customers have customized their home page. Of course, users can still opt to open a web browser and go to any search provider it would like, such as Yahoo or Bing.
McKerlich declined to discuss the financial arrangement between T-Mobile and either Google or T-Mobile. “In either relationship, both of them were attractive deals when we did them.” Is T-Mobile concerned that it is becoming to reliant on Google? McKerlich: “I don’t really think so. Certainly if the consumers say they like Google, we’ll give it to them.”
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Microsoft Confirms No Windows Phone 7 Series Upgrade for Current Windows Mobile 6.5 Devices |
Natasha Kwan, Microsoft’s General Manager for Mobile Communications Business in the Asia-Pacific market, has stated that all current Windows Mobile 6.x.x devices will not be upgraded to Windows Phone Series 7, including the HTC HD2 that many have thought met initial specifications “because it doesn’t have the three buttons”, pointing to the requirement that Windows Phone 7 Series devices feature a maximum of three hardware buttons.
Kwan further stated:
“Because we have very specific requirements for Windows Phone 7 Series the current phones we have right now will not be upgradable.”
Tony Wilkinson, Business Operations Director for Microsoft Australia, futher stated that “there are some hardware components that the HD doesn’t have.” which can be taken to mean that the HD2does not feature components powerful enough to meet the yet unknown Chassis 1 specifications for Windows Phone 7 series.
The complete specification for the first wave of Windows Phone 7 devices is expected to be revealed during this month’s MIX developer conference in Las Vegas.
Microsoft will also update Windows Mobile 6.5 to 6.5.3 before the Windows Phone Classic rebrand takes place, and Kwan states this will enhance the experience for 6.5 users.
“A lot of 6.5 applications have been built very much from the old paradigm of the stylus. Those legacy apps will be a lot more compatible on 6.5.3 because we have magnifier technology which lets you use your finger for navigating, even though it has a much bigger surface area.”
Monday, March 8, 2010
Chasing Strength
It’s 1:22am EST. What are you doing?
I’m still up. I went upstairs to my room at 11:30pm.
I can’t sleep.
I spent the weekend at a conference.
That’s right – I go to conferences on subjects that I want to learn more about – things that make me better at what I do.
So I go and hang out with people who are smarter than me and have already done and are currently doing what I want to do and are where I want to be.
And I meet other people who are like-minded. They want to do and be the same.
And it’s cool.
What do you want to do?
What do you want to be?
Strength comes in many forms. Become great at what you do. That’s the path to strength.
Go find out what you love to do and do more of it. Become stronger.
Aspire for more. Be stronger.
Become great. Be strong.
Then give back.
That’s real strength.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
- Winston Churchill
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HTC Legend Review: Frankly, It Feels Expensive - Htc legend review - Gizmodo
HTC Legend Review: Frankly, It Feels Expensive
With HTC's upcoming crop of Androids, you'll be able to separate people into two distinct groups: those who spring for the brainier, better-specced Desire, and those who get bowled over by the beautiful, yet lesser-specced Legend.
The Desire (or Nexus One) is the final word in the Androidsphere—it's a mark of someone who knows what they're doing, who wants to show people they NEED that extra computing power. If you compare it to the Legend, you could be justified in saying Legend-salivators are more shallow, ignoring the might of a Snapdragon processor in lieu of a unibody aluminum shell and slim build.
You'd be wrong, however.
I Mean, It Is Just a Sequel
The internal upgrades are minor, when you consider it next to the HTC Hero, but like the Empire That Strikes Back, sometimes sequels are far better than the original. While we found the Hero "tragically flawed" in its slugginess, the Legend's slightly more powerful 600MHz processor behaved—well, like a legend. The 3.2-inch screen has the same amount of pixels as the Hero, but swaps the HVGA for a more superior AMOLED. The 5.0-megapixel camera is still the same quality, but has the much-welcomed addition of a flash. You get the picture—the Legend is building on the Hero's quality in incremental upgrades, but every change, however minor, radicalizes the experience of using the Legend.
It's running Android 2.1, which as any Hero owner knows should be released as an over-the-air update soon. One day. The jump from 1.6 to 2.1 is impressive—it's a lot faster, the multitouch is better, there's greater integration of social networking profiles with contacts, and HTML5 support, amongst other—admittedly small—changes.
Design Works
Plain and simple—the Legend is the most well-built phone I've ever had in my hand. You just know when you feel the weight of it, the cool curved exterior of the unibody aluminum shell, and touch the ultra-responsive touchscreen. It's that sensation when you first tenderly held the original iPhone, which has been long-missing in the market.
The bottom and top of the back is actually made from rubberized plastic though, so there are no issues with wireless signals—unlike the first generation of the iPhone. Removing part of the case reveals a very thin battery and a touch-sensitive catch which keeps the SIM and microSD cards encased. It's a small point, but it's also the most polished example of a phone's innards that I've ever seen.
Just like BlackBerry, HTC is migrating its trackballs to optical trackpads. This is a relief, but in actual fact I barely had to use the trackpad—only when having to make an edit when typing out messages or emails. The screen is just so responsive, with nary a wrongly-actioned command made, that you can imagine HTC forgoing the trackpad altogether at a later date.
Only eight buttons reside on the Legend's body. The on/off button up top, the two volume controls on the top left, and then on the lower face, home, menu, back and search. They all worked well, though the home, menu, back and search keys did feel a bit cheap in comparison to the high-end feeling of the rest of the handset.
Same Old Camera?
HTC's used the same 5.0-megapixel camera as we saw on the Hero, but the addition of a flash is a new and exciting step for them—strange as that sounds. As you can see from the two photos below, the flash is very strong—too strong, I'd say. However, the quality is decent in lowlight conditions—noisy for sure, but I've seen worse.
Lowlight in a cinema before Alice In Wonderland 3DIn daytime I had a lot more luck. Testing it out on some cakes in my kitchen in the late afternoon sun retained the nice rays of sun across the cakes, with the yellow of the flowers showing up bright. But even at 5MP, the general image performance isn't enough to ditch your point and shoot just yet.
Testing indoors with daylight
More Sense Than HTC Sense
Most manufacturers are skinning Android with their own proprietary interfaces...MOTOBLUR, Mediascape, S-Class, they're ok, but I'd almost rather use Android in its natural flavor than have to put up with some of their issues.
There just ain't no Android phone like a HTC Sense Android phone. It's simply the best skin an Android could ask for, even without the minor improvements seen in the Legend. By far the pick of the bunch is the new "Leap" view—or "Helicopter view" as it was known in-house when designed. It works much like Mac OS X's Exposé function, bringing all seven homescreens up as thumbnails. The feature is very useful, particularly if you just can't remember which screen your mail, or the weather widget, is listed on. The pinch command takes some getting used to, but once you've got the gesture down-pat, it's a godsend.
Leap—or helicopter—viewBut with ever feature that will be used often comes one with no point at all. FriendStream is a nice enough widget, which collates all your friends' updates from Twitter, Facebook and Flickr into one feed, but for anyone who's a purist and likes to see every form of update on each social networking site, it will be removed quickly from the homescreen. I preferred using HTC's own brilliant Twitter widget, Peep, for the full Twitter options, and the Facebook app to see every form of action. The Flickr integration is handy, being able to see when my contacts upload photos, but not necessary if you get email notifications already.
Plus, FriendStream just felt slow sometimes—in fact, on a very speedy phone, it felt incongruous in comparison to everything else, often updating with tweets quite a few minutes later than the Twitter widget did. It's not a big problem, but for someone who relies on Twitter heavily as a source of entertainment, it became a source of frustration.
FriendStreamRespectable Battery Life
The Legend ran 36 hours before it died on me. Not too bad, considering I had an hour-long call plus about five shorter ones, sent and received around 20 text messages, and spent almost a whole day browsing the web, checking Twitter, and showing it off to my friends. After the horror of seeing my G1's battery deplete in half a day when I first bought it, the Legend's 1300mAh battery ran to my satisfaction.
The Legend Is The Most Solid Android Phone I've Used
True, other phones may be better specced, but with that premium build it's like comparing a Sony Vaio (not a bad laptop, sure) to a MacBook. Sometimes there's just no contest. While the extra horsepower and added touches of the Nexus One and Desire are nice, I found the Legend more than satisfactory.
It wasn't sluggish, certainly didn't have bugs or issues like the G1 and Hero, and while it'll inevitably slow down and have you cursing the fact you didn't spring for something with a Snapdragon chip, I'm going to award it possibly the highest accolade a reviewer can gift a device: I'm going to upgrade to one.
It's not the best Android phone. That badge still belongs to the Nexus One, or possibly the Desire, when we review it. But it's one of the best all-rounders, when you consider the hardware—and the feeling you're left with once it leaves your hand. I feel bereft without it.
Superb hardware quality
HTC Sense is better than ever
Addition of camera flash
Super-fast and responsive
FriendStream could be faster
Camera flash isn't perfect
The HTC Legend hasn't been announced for the US market yet, with the European launch sometime this month.
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I just promised my daughter that our next phones will be Droids, so she is PUMPED. What I did not mention, is when I will get them, and she is trusting enough not to ask.Silly child. Reply
Remember! This is all built on apple technology, so it shouldn't exist. Stealing, people. Stealing!*PS: Fuck you, jobs-o. Reply
It is just so pretttttty. Must resist gadget lust. Will not force European friends to get me one. I will not! ReplyDon Nguyen promoted this commentEdited by talkingstove at 03/08/10 12:18 PM
And this is why, come November, I'll either be using a Desire or Legend as my SuperPhone of choice. Reply
Ever sense I saw your infatuation for this device when it first came out Kat, I knew you'd be doing a review of it.Sense is a patent owned by HTC, not Apple Reply
MarcusMaximus promoted this commentEdited by modestmouse at 03/08/10 12:13 PM
I know I'm hitting a flame wall with this comment but that chin is just too much for me. ReplyDon Nguyen promoted this comment
HTC is knocking these android phones out of the park. If the "Incredible" (I think that's the name) drops for Verizon anytime soon I'm gonna have to snatch it up ASAP ReplyDon Nguyen promoted this comment
If the desire looked like this I would get it. This is a Awesome phone especially the really innovative bottom. ReplyDon Nguyen promoted this comment
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i'm waiting for the HTC Jet Li